Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Final Hour

counting down.. labs, more labs, more mock exams...

Yes, life is beginning. The party is beckoning.

Time to rise up to the challenge!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Gilgamesh CCIE

Listening to the FF songs on youtube just lifts my spirits as I battle time for the impending CCIE.

Credit also to my korean red-bull substitute, Bacchus-D!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Life of an expat

Hola Amigos! time for an update.

Can't believe i left this blog floating over a month.
One word to sum things up for May would probably be Adventure!

In between the meetings and trainings, I made sure I took time out to visit the incredible neighborhood California has to offer and this meant lots of driving and flying

Cities I've visited so far:
San Francisco
Los Angeles
Las Vegas
Arizona (airport)
San Diego
Tijuana, Mexico

Have to get back to my prep for the CA State license... so stay tuned!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

And so it begins..

My virgin post.
Here we go, amigos. San Francisco photos coming soon...
keep watching.