Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tips from the dietitian

1) Keeping your body hydrated
1 litre of water per 25kg body weight
+ more if exercising, drinking soft drinks or coffee/tea, or when sick

This means 3 litres for me, or 15 glasses of water.

Avoid cold water in the morning to prevent stomach spasm.

How to tell if you're hydrated?
-Yellow urine (the darker means the more hydrated)
- Skin test (pinch your skin. if it stays discolored over a sec, you're dehydrated)

And no you can't get overhydrated.

Best hangover cure from the dietitian: Have a Gatorade before going to bed!

Sports Drink Vs Water

sports drinks provides:
- carbs & fluids (500 ml is 30gm carbs on avg) Note: Powerade is sold in 600ml in stores
- potassium and sodium
- electrolytes (medical term for salts, specifically ions) which help the body absord and retain fluid and move into the bloodstream & cells quicker than slush around the stomach like water.

Overall, they taste better than water and makes you drink more - staying hydrated!

Now, there's always a yin to the yang. sports drinks due to the sugary content (sucrose), they promote cavity so reserve only when you need them!

some of the sports drinks that advertise sugar-free are no carbs. no extra energy.

Stay hydrated to avoid headache.

Individual Sweat Rate

One other good idea to monitor is a before & after weight (with or without clothes) +drinks you drank
This gives you your seat rate (e.g. 1.25 l /hr) during workout

Match your sweat rate to fluid intake

Pre and Post training nutrition

For workouts less than 60 mins, snacks are not necessary. either that a banana for a quick fix

Post traning, try to target refuelling within a 30min window. This is the best and most effective time for replenising muscle cards (glycoge) and you either consume a meal or snack with high carb and small amt of protein.

Aim small frequent meals thorughout the day to avoid sugar spikes.

for smokers, cigarettes are appetite suppressant.

Some post training snacks:
  • Cereal with Milk & yoghurt
  • Up & Go (for carbs and protein)
  • Banana & Milk
  • Muesli bar & yoghurt
  • Fruit smoothie

Protein Supplement

The primary role in the body is to support growth

Here are some samples of min protein intake:

avg man (1g/day)

strength athlete (1.2-1.7g/day)

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