Saturday, April 17, 2010

How to make it all work.

As David Allen said, "To lead an effective life we need to be able to make things happen" - to engage with our world so it will supply us with the experiences and results we seek.

Making the right choices and ensuring their efficient execution have always been key elements of success.

With that comes the plethora of workshops, courses, seminars to give you the tools to succeed.

Experience has shown there is still a wide gap between understanding and implementation.

Approaching work is a game, and one that's fun to play, as long as we know the purpose(what we're employed for), the boundaries(show-stopper decisions and no-no like harassment, discriminations), the contents(things we need to know to be successful in our jobs) and the rules(deadlines).

When any of those parameters are unclear, we develop unnecessary stress and are ineffective. On the other hand, if a bulletproof trusted process is in place which you can apply anytime no matter what's going on, we get a heightened sense of spontaneity in the job and more confidence everything is in order.

The game of work, and business life are really the same thing when it comes down to principles, behaviours and techniqus that eliminate distraction and foster beneficial focus.

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