Monday, April 19, 2010

Navy Seal Requirements

TO be even considered in the Navy Seal, the initial physical screening test includes the following procedure:

1.swim 500 yards in 12.5 minutes or less, followed by a 10-minute rest 42 push-ups in under two minutes, followed by a two-minute rest 50 sit-ups in under two minutes, followed by a two-minute rest six pull-ups, followed by a 10-minute rest 1.5 miles in boots and long pants in less than 11.5 minutes

- takenfrom

One thing which i caught of interest is a 50m underwater swim. Today was the first time i managed a 25m underwater swim, so i'm excited how far i can push or hit that elusive mark.

one interesting post on how some guys are struggling to get past this test on the navy seal forum is this requirement, and how the hypoxic training from some dude named stew smith can help. its basically training and pushing beyong with a lack of oxygen in the blood :)

keep reading

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