Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Time management 101

The dilemma of moving into management with added responsibility of a coach and engineer. This us just too much to handle. Too muh to do.

Where do I start??

1) Determine what my role is, and break up my responsibilities into key goals. Prioritise accordingly and seek clarification with manager if necessary of what the expectations are
- Manage up (be seen to have a good handle of my given deliverables, day-to-day events (bug scrubs) and managing timely day-to-day information flow from the team up)

2) Assess how well I'm managing time
- Track how long each item takes so i can plan more accurately next time (also helps in shaping the role with manager or decide if its better to delegate)
- More disciplined in sharing my time

3) Organize the to-do's into 3 piles:
- Must do
- Can wait
- Easy to knock off

Start with the must-do to build confidence. Work on the Easy to knock off pile once work is in a less overwhelming size, FInally when some blocks of time frees up, deal with the Can-waits.

Don't avoid a Must-do with an easy task as this is very detrimental. Start chewing off bits of it and it'd unravel itself if we keep working bits of it than making excuses time and again.

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